Monetizing Sourceforge

Sourceforge is looking into monetizing

Dear community member, As an active participant in the Open Source community, you may be excited to learn about a new feature that we will add to in late spring/early summer. This feature will allow you to buy or sell services for Open Source software on Interested? Follow the link below and we'll keep you updated as we move towards the official launch of this feature: Thank you for your continued support, The Team

I'm sure there will be members of the Open Source community who don't like this move, but personally, I think it is the way to go. Sourceforge provides a great service to the community and figuring out ways to keep them in business and grow benefits everyone. I don't have any insight into what they are thinking, but I would guess they are planning on becoming a services marketplace ala's AppExchange.

Something to watch as they roll it out.

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